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Sneak Peek at Walmart’s new MoDRN line

Hey guys! We are busy getting settled into our new house and lemme tell ya…things are a bit crazy atm. My big kids are back in school and between their new schedules, unpacking alllll the boxes, and starting some exciting new projects, things are BUSY around these parts. But before we lost our minds, (jk…kinda) packed up our house, only to move a couple streets over, I had the pleasure of testing out and styling a few of the new and exciting pieces that are fresh from Walmart‘s new line, MoDRN. Stylish beautiful home decor and at affordable prices??? Sounds good to me!

The new MoDRN line is so good, guys. Think earthy materials, raw finishes, and simple shapes…yes yes and yes. This dresser is a part of the new MoDRN Naturals line and I am IN LOVE! It is so sturdy and feels very well-made. Also, the detail on the legs add a nice touch, don’t ya think. The shade of wood is perfect and light and shows off the wood grain for some added texture. The size is also great and could work in a number of different spaces around the house…think kid room for gathering all the toys, or maybe in the living room for storing all of your extra home decor items. I can’t be the only one who stashes extra decor all over the house, right?! Also, peep that cute teal throw! That’s also part of the new line and it’s soooo soft and cozy.

Ok. Next up, is this mirror. I love this mirror. It has a metallic frame with rounded corners for an industrial/modern look that I cannot get enough of. I love to decorate with mirrors because not only are they beautiful, but they are particularly useful, especially in an entryway, above a bathroom vanity, or for bouncing light around above your mantel. They add a lot of visual interest to a space and this one does not disappoint.

And lastly, I had some fun with this copper floor lamp. Copper is a metal that I don’t use very much, but I love the warmth of it. The clean-lines are inspired by Danish design, which celebrates function ahead of form. The lamp has the cutest marble base and the neck adjusts to a variety of positions…great for reading. Something to note: the lamp came with its own edison bulb and that is one detail that I appreciate very much. I have bought lamps before only to find that I didn’t have an extra light bulb in the house. Not a huge deal…but still annoying.

Fun fact; if you zoom in on this last pic, then you might spy the reflection of yours truly while I was taking this photo. But seriously, I am loving this new line and I think you guys will love it too! You can check it out here or you can find them on Instagram @MoDRNliving or try searching the hashtag #liveMoDRN

That’s all for now! Wish me luck on all the unpacking!

Tiny, Funky Half Bath: One Room Challenge Reveal

*this post contains affiliate links

Ohhhhh myyyyyy goshhh….today is the day! It’s been six weeks in the making and I am so excited (and SOOOOOOO relieved) that today is FINALLY reveal day for the One Room Challenge!

Are you ready for this? Ok – first, if anyone needs to catch up, here are links to Week 5, Week 4, Week 3, Week 2, and Week 1. Also, let’s take a walk down memory lane to remind you what this space used to look like.

This little powder room is just off our front entrance so this update was much needed as it’s one of the first sights you see when you enter our home. Did you just die of boredom? Or maybe just doze off for a quick nap? Just me? Well…this new view is giving me all those good feeling feels.

One of my goals for this house when it comes to design choices is to just go for it! Every wall (and ceiling) was beige when we moved in and so I am doing my best to inject some personality into this place of ours.

The room all started with when I found this wallpaper from Milton & King. Everything else was planned with this paper in mind. I wanted to keep the art simple and opted for a single statement piece with a map from Mapiful. It was so fun to customize this baby with a simple black and white map of the city in which we live. It feels like a special touch!

I’ve always loved this sink and think that it gives the room a funky, retro vibe. I’m so happy to have finally found a place to use it!

I wanted to keep the lighting modern and simple and I think this light from Modern Komfort works perfectly for this small space.

I’m so excited to have a new powder room for our guests to enjoy as we will have a house full of family while we host Christmas this year. I owe my boo a BIG thank you for all his hard work and for not running away when I said, “I found some ostrich wallpaper that I wanna use in the bathroom.” Also, a big thank you to Phil, my dad, and my sister and her husband for donating their time to help me out as well!  Welllll…what do you think? I hope you love it as much as I do! And be sure to check out all of the other reveals! I did a little snooping around today and have already found some amazing transformations!

one room challenge: week 5 – wainscoting

It’s week Five of the One Room Challenge! This is also the week where I realize there is only one week left to finish up – everything! Well, you know what they say, time really does fly when you’re having fun…errrrrr renovating a bathroom. Last week, for Week Four, we finished the wallpaper but we still don’t have ya know, a toilet, a sink or anything else that makes this space a proper bathroom. And just in case you need to do some catching up, here are links to Week Three, Week Two, and Week One. Also, here is my mood board that has been serving as a blue print and as sort of my inspiration for the space.

And now that we’re on the subject of the moodboard, I have made a few modifications since we are so close to finishing this thing up! The first change is small but the light that I originally had picked was actually more of a bronze in color and after I saw the black, black faucet and some other finishes in person, I knew it needed to be black. So the new one is black and just a single light, instead of the double that is pictured above. The other change is the rug. I had been eyeing a vintage rug for weeks and I finally went ahead and pulled the trigger. I am so excited to show you guys but I think I am going to save it for the reveal. Gotta have a couple surprises, right? And the third and final change is the mirror. I started feeling like the space needed some warmth in all that matte black so I changed my mind and went with a wood mirror. Again, you’re gonna have to wait to see that until next week!

Ok – now back to business. This week we focused on the wainscoting! Remember the inspiration photo I showed you all a couple weeks ago?

We’ve made a few modifications to the design, mostly just with the angles of the wood and a few pieces of trim that we added. I’m really proud of this wainscoting and really think it’s going to give the space some serious pizzazz.

My husband and I both thought that this process was going to be a lot more difficult than it actually was. We found this material at Lowe’s and we love it! We are going to be using it for another project in the future, I’m just not sure what, yet.

The first thing we decided on was how high we wanted the wainscoting to go up the wall. For us, we wanted it a bit higher than traditional wainscoting and opted for 54″ from the floor. We snapped a horizontal chalk line around the room at that 54″ mark. Next, we snapped a vertical chalk line at the mid-point of each wall. This would mark where we wanted the planking to meet. After those two things were done, we had another decision to make: at what angle do we want the planks? Once we held a few pieces up on the wall so that I could visually see the angles (cause I’m a visual person and that’s what makes it easiest for me to make decisions) we pretty quickly landed on a good ol’45 degree angle for the win! And then it’s slow and steady progress from there…plank by plank and cut by cut.

Since the wainscoting was going up, this meant that it was time for us to make the plumbing modifications for our new wall mount faucet. But, we are the luckiest people around because our neighbor happens to be a plumber! I know, I know, don’t be jealous. So, he was nice enough to donate his time and showed my husband the ropes and they got that new faucet installed and looking GOOD. Thank you, Phil!!

The wainscoting is almost completely done and that means that I’m going to be filling ALL those nail holes and then painting it. I can’t wait to see this all painted! Here’s a progress shot so you can see exactly just how many nail holes are in the planks. Holy moly…there’s a lot.

Also, I found a paint color and here’s a sneak peak for ya!

So that’s our progress report for this week! Can you believe we only have one week left??? I’m so excited to finish this project and I’m also giddy to see some of the other makeovers. I’ve been poking around on some other blogs to see how the progress is coming along and it’s looking like some pretty fabulous projects are in the works. Can’t wait!

Oh and here’s my final to-do list so I can finish this baby up:

  1. trim out wainscoting
  2. fill all nail holes and caulk and sand wainscoting
  3. paint wainscoting
  4. install toilet
  5. install sink
  6. clean the whole space – all that construction dust and mess
  7. accessory time – install mirror, toilet paper holder, and towel hook. Hang art!

So much to do in so little time! Think I can do it???


One Room Challenge: Week Four – Wallpaper

Well…it’s that time again! It’s time for the weekly update for the One Room Challenge. Can you believe it’s already week four of my bathroom remodel? As a quick recap, I am redoing my bathroom over six weeks and am sharing the progress here, in real time, as part of the One Room Challenge. Here’s a link back to Week One, Week two, and Week Three. And just in case you need another refresh, here is the mood board that I put together as a sort of blue print and for inspiration.

This week was a fun one! We spent the last few days wallpapering the bathroom and although I was a little nervous about diving in, it was actually pretty fun once we got into a groove! When the wallpaper arrived, I was so delighted/excited that I couldn’t wait to get started.

I’ll give you the general rundown on the actual process of wallpapering so you can get the jist. The process is pretty simple and if I can do it, you can do it, too! It’s all about paying attention to details and making sure your lines are straight. Once you have straight lines, the process starts cruising. Measure first, and pre-cut your strips of wallpaper so that you aren’t measuring and trying to cut the paper when the adhesive is on the wall. Because we found that it starts drying really fast. We used a chalk line to mark straight lines and used that as a guide to line the individual pieces of paper to. The adhesive goes into the wall with a roller, and the sheet just sticks right onto the wall. Start smoothing with your flat edge to get all the bubbles out and use a SHARP razor to make your cuts at the ceiling. Done and done! Like I said, this is a very short summary of the process.

We decided we were going to st0p half way down the wall as we are installing wainscoting on the lower portion of the walls to really give this tiny space some pizzazz. The light fixture arrived yesterday and I’m smitten. It’s just perfect and looks so sharp next to all those black ostriches.

Now that the wallpaper is up, next on the to-do list is the plumbing. We are changing the plumbing so that it can accommodate a faucet that comes directly out of the wall. Once this is done, then we can start installing the wainscoting. My hubby started on one of the walls so I will give you a sneaky peaky. I will have to fill in all the knots and nail holes with wood filler and then all of the wood will be painted black. Or a color that’s very close to black.

So that’s where we’re at! What do you think of the ostriches? Do  you love them as much as I do? Anybody have any wallpapering horror stories they want to share? I sure read about some doozies online when I was doing research before we started. Only two weeks to go so I’ll be back next week with lots (hopefully) to report on!



one room challenge: week three – DEMO!

Hi all! It’s week three of our funky tiny half-bath remodel! Time is flying! As a quick catch up, I am redoing our half-bath as part of the One Room Challenge. If you need to refresh your memory or maybe you’re new here (WELCOME!), here is Week One with my mood board and Week Two with even more deets, and some very fancy wainscoting plans.

So the biggest change this week is that we finally have a freshly demo’d space! I love this part so much. Taking out all the old helps me envision the new! Goodbye tiny toilet! Goodbye boring sink!

The most exciting part of this process is that some of the items that we chose for the bathroom have started to arrive! My wallpaper came (it’s amazing) and it’s going in this weekend. My sister has graciously volunteered to come over for the weekend and we are gonna get our wallpaper ONNNNNN. Love you, Collin! Also, a few of the accessories have arrived and seeing them in person is an absolute delight!

Here’s the to-do list (in order):

  1. Decide whether or not to paint the ceiling
  2. Install wallpaper
  3. Change the plumbing to accomodate a wall mounted faucet
  4. Wainscoting construction and install
  5. New toilet install
  6. Sink install
  7. Light fixture, mirror and accessories

Now the fun really begins! I’ll be back next week with some good progress for ya! Now…does anyone have any wallpaper tips for me? Or maybe what NOT to do? This is my first time! Wish me luck!

Mission accomplished: the perfect entryway rug

This post is sponsored by Magic Rugs

Hi guys! It’s Monday and the sun is out in Oregon! Seems like the perfect time to show you a little refresh that I’ve been working on to give my house some more fall vibes. First of all, does anyone else decorate for the Holidays? I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about decorating in a more subtle way (i.e. introducing rich colors with pillows and layering up cozy throws for added texture) rather than flooding your house with pumpkins, ghosts, and goblins. I’m kind of riding the fence on this because I love a good excuse to add a pillow or a throw, but I also enjoy the occasional corny decoration. All in moderation, right? And why not? Anyways…feast your eyes on my fall entryway!

I have been searching and searching for the right vintage rug and I finally found her, ain’t she a beaut? I was sold on a vintage rug for this space as its a high traffic zone and vintage rugs are made to LAST. I have purchased many a rug from big box stores and always found myself replacing them once a year (or even a couple times a year). WHAAAAAA? Eventually, I began to realize that with all the money I was spending on disposable rugs, I could buy a better quality rug and clean them myself or take them to have them cleaned when needed. With all this being said, I am not opposed to buying a rug from a big box store, but I really appreciate a rug that’s made with materials that are meant to last, year after year.

For my entryway, I was lucky enough to work with Magic Rugs and am so excited to share this source with all of you because if you are like me, and cannot resist the charms of a vintage rug, I gotcha covered. Magic Rugs has over four thousand rugs in stock and you can call them any time with questions that they will be happy to answer for you. And….wanna know the best part? Their prices are actually affordable! So let’s go shopping! I thought I would share a few of my favorites that I found on their site. The first and second rugs would be perfect in a kitchen or a bathroom (adds tons of patina and warmth to a room full of hard surfaces) and I like the third one for a living/family room type situation…maybe layered on top of a jute rug if you’re feeling fancy. Ps. If you like any of these rugs, just click the images for links to see each rug in closer detail.


The rug that I chose for my entryway is so beautiful and I am SO happy with the quality. It is soft underfoot and fits my entryway like a glove. It was exactly as pictured on their website which I think is really important. There’s nothing worse than ordering something online, only to be disappointed that the pictures didn’t accurately represent what you thought you were buying. amiright? The colors are perfect for my house with deep reds (I can’t seem to stop using reds lately. Who am I???), blues, and pops of orange. I’m in love!

I think it really makes a big impact to my entryway while adding lots of texture. And I am getting all the cozy vibes now!

So there you have it! My entryway is looking all Fall-y and cozy with its beautiful new rug! We are busy planning Halloween costumes over here and as of right now, I have a zombie, a vampire, and a bumblebee! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Oh and I’ll be back on Wednesday with my One Room Challenge update for week three…gulp.




one room challenge: week two

Well that was fast! This week FLEW BY. I can’t believe we are already in the second week for the ORC. Last week, I let you in on my exciting plans to update our tiny powder room as a part of the One Room Challenge. Let’s have another looky at ye ol’moodboard:

1. // 2. // 3. // 4. // 5. // 6. //

This week is still slow moving and I am still finalizing all the plans and waiting for items to start arriving. The biggest change this week from last week is that I decided on a style of wainscoting that will go on the bottom half of the wall – underneath the most fabulous wallpaper that has ever existed. I was scrolling for inspiration for a modern style of wainscoting online because I was sure I didn’t want to go with the traditional look when I found this little beauty. I showed my husband and he is game (albeit a tincy bit scared) to give it a try! Wish us ALLLLLLLLL the luck.

Source Unknown – but if you know, let me know and I’d be happy to credit them. 

It will definitely be painted. I’m thinking somewhere in the neighborhood of a charcoal – but I will have to wait and see the wallpaper in person before I can make a final decision. We went toilet shopping this week (I know what you’re thinking…yes, we know how to have a good time) and selected a new toilet which is something that we have been wanting to replace in all of our bathrooms – the current ones are really small and low to the floor. Weird, right?

Our next mission is remove the current sink. We will have to move the plumbing to accommodate a wall mounted faucet because of the sink we chose. We originally found the sink with a navy border from Rejuvenation, but the navy was making things hard to coordinate. After a bit more googling, we ended up finding it in black at a few other spots, and for a bit cheaper, too. Easier to incorporate and less money? Sounds like a win-win to me! Here’s a little refresher in case you forgot what that looks like.

So that’s where we’re at after our first week. I know that’s not too much of an update, but just wait until next week after demo has been completed! That is going to be fun, but we will also be down one bathroom which I hadn’t really thought of until…..well, just now. The wallpaper, and a fun addition to be hung on the wall are both supposed to be arriving in the next week, so those will be fun to share as well. Hit me up with any questions! Until next week!

tiny funky half bath – one room challenge: week one

I’m coming at ya today with some very exciting news! I’m officially taking part in my first One Room Challenge! What’s that, you ask? Well….lemme fill you in. The One Room Challenge is a bi-annual design event where participants completely renovate a room in six weeks. Everyone checks in once a week with a progress report (or lack thereof) and spills the beans about the good, the bad, and the ugly. This event is designed to encourage and inspire, which is totally my cup of tea.

The space that I’m going to focus on is our teeny tiny downstairs half-bath. It’s small and since this is my first go-around with the ORC – I figured it was kinda the perfect fit. So, here’s my vision. And I’m going to give myself permission to change my mind at any point. Mmmmmmkay?

1. // 2. // 3. // 4. // 5. // 6.

This lil’baby of a bathroom is located just off of our front entrway. Soooooo, it makes sense to me that it should be pretty as guests see this room right as they walk into the house. Also, weighing in at just 23 square feet, I feel like I can manage her.

As far as the game plan goes, it’s pretty simple. The floors will stay the same as they are the same wood that carries throughout the entire lower level. I’m thinking about some kind of wainscoting to wrap around the entire room – but modern. Still working out the details on that so we’ll see what I can come up with. And then my crown jewel of the entire room is going to be my ostrich wallpaper from Milton & King. It’s so fun and quirky and I’m in love. I think I’m going to give it a big hug when it’s finally installed.

Alright!!! Here we go! I will be back next week with all the updates!!!!


summer recap: moving, sightseeing and a lovely house

With summer just about over for us and because projects are moving super slow at the new house (think painting ALL the beige ceilings white and then painting ALL the beige walls after you’re done with the beige ceilings), I thought I would take this opportunity to recap our summer and provide some house eye candy. Sound good? I thought so. Let’s go!

So if you have been following along, you already know that we sold our Texas house last spring and were busy making plans to move back to the PNW, where we are originally from, to be close to our families again.

In June, my mom and dad flew down to Texas as we were packing the house and were nice enough to drive a car home for us back to Oregon. It was a bit of a whirlwind but we managed to leave the house for good the day after the kids were let out of school for summer break. We had a few Texas tourist attractions to check off our bucket list before we left and then we headed for the Grand Canyon.

After the Grand Canyon, we headed to Arches National Park and although it was crowded, the sights did not disappoint. Whoa, this place is beautiful. The trails within the park are not stroller friendly and I was so smart (NOT) and packed my baby carrier in a box somewhere in the moving truck so we had to stick to easy trails but if we were going again, I would wear the baby (put that cute little guy in his carrier) and try for some of the more advanced trails.

We also stopped off in Flagstaff and Salt Lake City. We kept our schedule flexible because of the kids and baby and would stop whenever a little person needed a break. We had a great time and are already scheming on some road-trip ideas for next summer.

When we arrived back in the Northwest, we knew we wouldn’t be able to close on our new house for almost four weeks. The sellers of our house needed some extra time since it had been their vacation home and wouldn’t be able to move their stuff out right away. But lucky for us, my parents’ were happy to let us invade their house until we closed. After being gone in Texas for three years, spending a few weeks with family sounded like a vacation to us! We had the best time. So many yummy meals (that we didn’t have to make!), and lots of late nights up laughing and talking.

Right around the same time we were moving to Texas, my mom and dad sold their house because they were retiring. They had lived in that house for thirty years and me and my four siblings had all grown up there. Sniffle… Anyways, they needed a smaller place and my mom was craving change, so off they went!

I am completely OBSESSED with their new house. It’s smaller with little maintenance which gives them the freedom to hit the road whenever the mood strikes. Perfect for them!

Cute, right? When they bought the place, the exterior was painted a salmon color. Yikes. The new color is such an improvement. Originally, the house didn’t have a garage so they built one to match the house.

The house was built in 2006 on twenty acres of forested land that has a nice stretch of river frontage. When you are there, it feels like you’re on vacation with all the quiet and peace. During our few weeks there, the kids had so much fun spotting deer and wild turkeys that wander the area.

Ok — are you guys ready for a tour of the inside?

Cozy. Check. Comfortable. Check. With all the windows, there is no shortage of natural light. The house was definitely designed with the views in mind. With the kitchen, living and dining room all in the same space, it really keeps the spacious and airy vibe going strong.

My mom ditched a lot of her old decor and furniture when they bought the place and she started over. I am such a fan of how she introduces a nice mix of objects both old and new. It’s such a talent. Her stuff isn’t too matchy-matchy but it all feels layered and inviting.

Every nook and cranny of the house is cute. Even the little laundry room…just LOOK.

There are two bedrooms in the house; one upstairs and the master on the lower level. How great is the master bedroom with that planked ceiling?

The loft has a second living space, the second bedroom and a bathroom. I’m having a serious moment over that coffee table. My mom found it at a local antique shop that also carried a few pieces of locally made furniture.

Before the house was ever built, the property had a small hunting cabin on it. My parents kept the structure and converted it into a bunk house for grand kids or overflow from the house since we have such a big family. My dad lined the walls with fresh pine planks, built the deck, and my mom got busy furnishing/decorating with a cabin theme in mind.

I don’t think our kids slept in the house for our entire stay. They love it.

So there you have it! Our summer recap and a bonus house tour! I will update the blog soon with some new pics of our house. I have been painting like a maniac. It’s starting to take shape! Happy Back to School!

A BIG House Update

Hi guys! Oh my, where has the time gone?! I guess time flies when you’re having fun…or packing everything you own and hauling it from Texas to Oregon with two kiddos and an eight month old baby. Anyways, I am finally back and have lots of updates for you. Hooray!

Last time I posted, we listed our house for sale and hoped for the best. We weren’t sure what to expect but, we had multiple offers and it went under contract on the first morning it was on the market. We were even able to negotiate a moving date that coincided with the last of school for the kids. It was a win win.

Leaving Texas was bitter sweet. We made some great friends, the kids loved their school and we had the most amazing neighbors (Hi Chuck and Laura!) that anyone could ask for. We will miss it. On the other hand, we have had so much time with family and friends since we’ve been back! My heart is full and I know we made the right choice. The trip home was loads of fun and we took some time to explore the Grand Canyon, Arches National Park and Moab. If you haven’t been to these three places, then go right now. Seriously. Go.

So let me get on with it already and move on to the pics of the new house! We moved in three weeks ago and the house is still chaos. Hehe. Just don’t examine the pics too closely.

The house came with its own Texas star. We thought it was kismet that we managed to find a house in Oregon with a Texas star since we were moving from there.

Nate and I have only ever lived in old ranchers before this house. Our last place in Texas was built in 1980 and we always joked that it was practically a new house! This house was built in 2006 and had only been used as a vacation home since it was built so it really does feel brand new. But, we are so excited to make this baby ours and you might notice a shift in our projects from old/ugly to less builder basic/beige.

Do you recognize my “hello” sign? I almost forgot it in Austin and threw it in the trunk of our car at the very last moment.

Please excuse the mess. I took pictures while the boxes were being unpacked so yeah, it’s messy. When you walk into the house, you can either head up the stairs or continue through (past the little half-bath) to the kitchen and family room.

There are bamboo, wood floors on the first level and carpet everywhere else. I am already making plans to get rid of the carpet. I’m not a carpet person…some people like the coziness of it, especially in the bedrooms. I can appreciate that but, its still a no for me.

My first order of business; painting the ceilings white. For whatever reason, this house has beige walls and beige ceilings. Excuse me for a moment while I gag. In my humble opinion, in this particular house, the ceilings need to be a good ol’fashioned flat, white paint. And this beige paint is so bad. It has pink undertones and my mom says it reminds her of a bad foundation color.

If you’re wondering why there is suddenly snow on the ground and all this furniture that doesn’t belong to me in these two pictures of the master bedroom, they were taken when the house went on the market during the winter. I’m too embarrassed to share the current state of the bedroom with it’s stacks of unpacked boxes and piles of laundry. Can I still use the “I have a newborn” excuse? Even if he is almost nine months? Hope so.

Let’s go upstairs, shall we?

Nate’s office is at the top of the stairs in an open area on your left. Don’t worry, I ordered him a chair that’s on the way. I’m excited to decorate his office. When he wasn’t working at home in Austin, he was always asking to come in to his work to decorate his office and I never got around to it. Now that his office is in our house, I guess I won’t have an excuse not to get in there and make it pretty.

If you keep going past Nate’s office, there is a bathroom straight ahead, a bonus room on your right and the other two bedrooms on your left.

We started calling this big space the bonus room. It feels so spacious! We bought a big IKEA sectional for this space and plan on using it for TV watching, playing, doing homework and reading. I am thinking about creating different zones and adding shelves somewhere for toy storage and books.

On to the upstairs bedrooms. For now, Nolan and Grey are sharing the bigger of the two bedrooms and Urban is in the smallest bedroom. These beds were left by the seller and we have been using them until we decide where everyone is going to be living permanently. Nolan has asked for her own room so maybe she will go solo into the smaller bedroom and our two younger sons will share the bigger bedroom? Before any of this moving around happens though, Momma needs to get her nine month old sleeping through the night. Does that make sense?

And lastly, here is the back of the house and the backyard. Our lot is just over a half acre and it backs up to a little piece of canal frontage off of the Deschutes River. We have been having so much fun on the water. The kids are obsessed. We have been out kayaking, canoeing, and paddle boarding just about every day since we moved in.

And that’s about it! It feels so good to be back and to be finally moved into the new house. What do you guys think? You think I can de-cookie my cookie cutter? Anyone else just move a long ways and live to tell about it?